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Would Lamia Form Society, and if so, How Would TheyLamia Defend Themselves From Each Other?

After posting (Would Lamia Keep Themselves In Check Through Intraspecies Conflict), I realized that for Lamia society to form, Lamia would need to protect themselves from each other.

As you'll see from the linked question above (or the information supplied below), Lamia naturally seek dominion over one another, which means they'll try to vampirize (exchange blood through a bite to gain control over a victim) or sunder and absorb other Lamia. Besides that, they are capable of parthogenesis, which births a subservient clone, so my question is twofold: Would Lamia Form Society, and if so, HowHow Would TheyLamia Defend Themselves From Each Other?

Consider (if you chose to not look over the linked question):

  1. Lamia can bite another member of their species and exchange blood, one fang draining the victim's blood while the other expels the attacker's blood in the bloodstream. This gives the attacker power over the victim equivalent to how much blood was exchanged; if only ten percent is exchanged, the attacker has only a ten percent influence over the victim. On the other hand, complete exchange=total control.
  2. If a Lamia is cut in half, the result is a telepathically linked woman and giant snake pair. The human upper half controls the serpent and can become a regular Lamia again after consuming her serpent half. However, if another Lamia consumes another Lamia's serpent half, she absorbs it and the human half is drawn to and absorbed by the offender. If a Lamia absorbs another two Lamia, she becomes a Maralith (six arms, tripled intelligence, doubled strength) and develops the ability to compel other Lamia to do her will (compel meaning 'to drive or urge forcefully' in this case). The Lamia absorbed cannot be clones of her, and a Maralith holds only one personality; the personality of the victorious Lamia (the one who absorbed the other two) with aspects of the two victim's personality mixed in.

Please Note (Criteria for answers):

  1. A good answer will likely have two parts (not necessary, but may be helpful) andSince the first part would concern whyfact that Lamia will likely form societies, accounting for allsociety despite the reasons Lamia have to not form societiesabove (being afraid of power-hungry Lamia enthralling or absorbing you is a big one, especially considering all of them are power-hungryhumanity proves this). The second part should A good answer will concern the rules, agreements, and protective methods Lamia society would have to implement to function. That's what I'm looking for; I know Lamia society will exist, but I don't know how they'll ensure their safety when they have the ability to enthrall and even absorb their own kind.

If you need more details, let me know and I'll add them ASAP. As always, thanks for your input!

Would Lamia Form Society, and if so, How Would They Defend Themselves From Each Other?

After posting (Would Lamia Keep Themselves In Check Through Intraspecies Conflict), I realized that for Lamia society to form, Lamia would need to protect themselves from each other.

As you'll see from the linked question above (or the information supplied below), Lamia naturally seek dominion over one another, which means they'll try to vampirize (exchange blood through a bite to gain control over a victim) or sunder and absorb other Lamia. Besides that, they are capable of parthogenesis, which births a subservient clone, so my question is twofold: Would Lamia Form Society, and if so, How Would They Defend Themselves From Each Other?

Consider (if you chose to not look over the linked question):

  1. Lamia can bite another member of their species and exchange blood, one fang draining the victim's blood while the other expels the attacker's blood in the bloodstream. This gives the attacker power over the victim equivalent to how much blood was exchanged; if only ten percent is exchanged, the attacker has only a ten percent influence over the victim. On the other hand, complete exchange=total control.
  2. If a Lamia is cut in half, the result is a telepathically linked woman and giant snake pair. The human upper half controls the serpent and can become a regular Lamia again after consuming her serpent half. However, if another Lamia consumes another Lamia's serpent half, she absorbs it and the human half is drawn to and absorbed by the offender. If a Lamia absorbs another two Lamia, she becomes a Maralith (six arms, tripled intelligence, doubled strength) and develops the ability to compel other Lamia to do her will (compel meaning 'to drive or urge forcefully' in this case). The Lamia absorbed cannot be clones of her, and a Maralith holds only one personality; the personality of the victorious Lamia (the one who absorbed the other two) with aspects of the two victim's personality mixed in.

Please Note (Criteria for answers):

  1. A good answer will likely have two parts (not necessary, but may be helpful) and the first part would concern why Lamia will form societies, accounting for all the reasons Lamia have to not form societies (being afraid of power-hungry Lamia enthralling or absorbing you is a big one, especially considering all of them are power-hungry). The second part should concern the rules, agreements, and protective methods Lamia society would have to implement to function.

If you need more details, let me know and I'll add them ASAP. As always, thanks for your input!

How Would Lamia Defend Themselves From Each Other?

After posting (Would Lamia Keep Themselves In Check Through Intraspecies Conflict), I realized that for Lamia society to form, Lamia would need to protect themselves from each other.

As you'll see from the linked question above (or the information supplied below), Lamia naturally seek dominion over one another, which means they'll try to vampirize (exchange blood through a bite to gain control over a victim) or sunder and absorb other Lamia. Besides that, they are capable of parthogenesis, which births a subservient clone, so my question is twofold: How Would Lamia Defend Themselves From Each Other?

Consider (if you chose to not look over the linked question):

  1. Lamia can bite another member of their species and exchange blood, one fang draining the victim's blood while the other expels the attacker's blood in the bloodstream. This gives the attacker power over the victim equivalent to how much blood was exchanged; if only ten percent is exchanged, the attacker has only a ten percent influence over the victim. On the other hand, complete exchange=total control.
  2. If a Lamia is cut in half, the result is a telepathically linked woman and giant snake pair. The human upper half controls the serpent and can become a regular Lamia again after consuming her serpent half. However, if another Lamia consumes another Lamia's serpent half, she absorbs it and the human half is drawn to and absorbed by the offender. If a Lamia absorbs another two Lamia, she becomes a Maralith (six arms, tripled intelligence, doubled strength) and develops the ability to compel other Lamia to do her will (compel meaning 'to drive or urge forcefully' in this case). The Lamia absorbed cannot be clones of her, and a Maralith holds only one personality; the personality of the victorious Lamia (the one who absorbed the other two) with aspects of the two victim's personality mixed in.

Please Note (Criteria for answers):

  1. Since the fact that Lamia will likely form society despite the above (humanity proves this) A good answer will concern the rules, agreements, and protective methods Lamia society would have to implement to function. That's what I'm looking for; I know Lamia society will exist, but I don't know how they'll ensure their safety when they have the ability to enthrall and even absorb their own kind.

If you need more details, let me know and I'll add them ASAP. As always, thanks for your input!

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After posting (Would Lamia Keep Themselves In Check Through Intraspecies Conflict), I realized that for Lamia society to form, Lamia would need to protect themselves from each other.

As you'll see from the linked question above (or the information supplied below), Lamia naturally seek dominion over one another, which means they'll try to vampirize (exchange blood through a bite to gain control over a victim) or sunder and absorb other Lamia. Besides that, they are capable of parthogenesis, which births a subservient clone, so my question is twofold: Would Lamia Form Society, and if so, How Would They Defend Themselves From Each Other?

Consider (if you chose to not look over the linked question):

  1. Lamia can bite another member of their species and exchange blood, one fang draining the victim's blood while the other expels the attacker's blood in the bloodstream. This gives the attacker power over the victim equivalent to how much blood was exchanged; if only ten percent is exchanged, the attacker has only a ten percent influence over the victim. On the other hand, complete exchange=total control.
  2. If a Lamia is cut in half, the result is a telepathically linked woman and giant snake pair. The human upper half controls the serpent and can become a regular Lamia again after consuming her serpent half. However, if another Lamia consumes another Lamia's serpent half, she absorbs it and the human half is drawn to and absorbed by the offender. If a Lamia absorbs another two Lamia, she becomes a Maralith (six arms, tripled intelligence, doubled strength) and develops the ability to compel other Lamia to do her will (compel meaning 'to drive or urge forcefully' in this case). The Lamia absorbed cannot be clones of her, and a Maralith holds only one personality; the personality of the victorious Lamia (the one who absorbed the other two) with aspects of the two victim's personality mixed in.

Please Note (Criteria for answers):

  1. A good answer will likely have two parts (not necessary, but may be helpful) and the first part would concern why Lamia will form societies, accounting for all the reasons Lamia have to not form societies (being afraid of power-hungry Lamia enthralling or absorbing you is a big one, especially considering all of them are power-hungry). The second part should concern the rules, agreements, and protective methods Lamia society would have to implement to function.

If you need more details, let me know and I'll add them ASAP. As always, thanks for your input!

After posting (Would Lamia Keep Themselves In Check Through Intraspecies Conflict), I realized that for Lamia society to form, Lamia would need to protect themselves from each other.

As you'll see from the linked question above (or the information supplied below), Lamia naturally seek dominion over one another, which means they'll try to vampirize (exchange blood through a bite to gain control over a victim) or sunder and absorb other Lamia. Besides that, they are capable of parthogenesis, which births a subservient clone, so my question is twofold: Would Lamia Form Society, and if so, How Would They Defend Themselves From Each Other?

Consider (if you chose to not look over the linked question):

  1. Lamia can bite another member of their species and exchange blood, one fang draining the victim's blood while the other expels the attacker's blood in the bloodstream. This gives the attacker power over the victim equivalent to how much blood was exchanged; if only ten percent is exchanged, the attacker has only a ten percent influence over the victim. On the other hand, complete exchange=total control.
  2. If a Lamia is cut in half, the result is a telepathically linked woman and giant snake pair. The human upper half controls the serpent and can become a regular Lamia again after consuming her serpent half. However, if another Lamia consumes another Lamia's serpent half, she absorbs it and the human half is drawn to and absorbed by the offender. If a Lamia absorbs another two Lamia, she becomes a Maralith (six arms, tripled intelligence, doubled strength) and develops the ability to compel other Lamia to do her will (compel meaning 'to drive or urge forcefully' in this case). The Lamia absorbed cannot be clones of her, and a Maralith holds only one personality; the personality of the victorious Lamia (the one who absorbed the other two) with aspects of the two victim's personality mixed in.

If you need more details, let me know and I'll add them ASAP. As always, thanks for your input!

After posting (Would Lamia Keep Themselves In Check Through Intraspecies Conflict), I realized that for Lamia society to form, Lamia would need to protect themselves from each other.

As you'll see from the linked question above (or the information supplied below), Lamia naturally seek dominion over one another, which means they'll try to vampirize (exchange blood through a bite to gain control over a victim) or sunder and absorb other Lamia. Besides that, they are capable of parthogenesis, which births a subservient clone, so my question is twofold: Would Lamia Form Society, and if so, How Would They Defend Themselves From Each Other?

Consider (if you chose to not look over the linked question):

  1. Lamia can bite another member of their species and exchange blood, one fang draining the victim's blood while the other expels the attacker's blood in the bloodstream. This gives the attacker power over the victim equivalent to how much blood was exchanged; if only ten percent is exchanged, the attacker has only a ten percent influence over the victim. On the other hand, complete exchange=total control.
  2. If a Lamia is cut in half, the result is a telepathically linked woman and giant snake pair. The human upper half controls the serpent and can become a regular Lamia again after consuming her serpent half. However, if another Lamia consumes another Lamia's serpent half, she absorbs it and the human half is drawn to and absorbed by the offender. If a Lamia absorbs another two Lamia, she becomes a Maralith (six arms, tripled intelligence, doubled strength) and develops the ability to compel other Lamia to do her will (compel meaning 'to drive or urge forcefully' in this case). The Lamia absorbed cannot be clones of her, and a Maralith holds only one personality; the personality of the victorious Lamia (the one who absorbed the other two) with aspects of the two victim's personality mixed in.

Please Note (Criteria for answers):

  1. A good answer will likely have two parts (not necessary, but may be helpful) and the first part would concern why Lamia will form societies, accounting for all the reasons Lamia have to not form societies (being afraid of power-hungry Lamia enthralling or absorbing you is a big one, especially considering all of them are power-hungry). The second part should concern the rules, agreements, and protective methods Lamia society would have to implement to function.

If you need more details, let me know and I'll add them ASAP. As always, thanks for your input!

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Would Lamia Form Society, and if so, How Would They Defend Themselves From Each Other?

After posting (Would Lamia Keep Themselves In Check Through Intraspecies Conflict), I realized that for Lamia society to form, Lamia would need to protect themselves from each other.

As you'll see from the linked question above (or the information supplied below), Lamia naturally seek dominion over one another, which means they'll try to vampirize (exchange blood through a bite to gain control over a victim) or sunder and absorb other Lamia. Besides that, they are capable of parthogenesis, which births a subservient clone, so my question is twofold: Would Lamia Form Society, and if so, How Would They Defend Themselves From Each Other?

Consider (if you chose to not look over the linked question):

  1. Lamia can bite another member of their species and exchange blood, one fang draining the victim's blood while the other expels the attacker's blood in the bloodstream. This gives the attacker power over the victim equivalent to how much blood was exchanged; if only ten percent is exchanged, the attacker has only a ten percent influence over the victim. On the other hand, complete exchange=total control.
  2. If a Lamia is cut in half, the result is a telepathically linked woman and giant snake pair. The human upper half controls the serpent and can become a regular Lamia again after consuming her serpent half. However, if another Lamia consumes another Lamia's serpent half, she absorbs it and the human half is drawn to and absorbed by the offender. If a Lamia absorbs another two Lamia, she becomes a Maralith (six arms, tripled intelligence, doubled strength) and develops the ability to compel other Lamia to do her will (compel meaning 'to drive or urge forcefully' in this case). The Lamia absorbed cannot be clones of her, and a Maralith holds only one personality; the personality of the victorious Lamia (the one who absorbed the other two) with aspects of the two victim's personality mixed in.

If you need more details, let me know and I'll add them ASAP. As always, thanks for your input!