ice could be compressed methane/CO2 spued in a vortex motion, the methane idea could continue the fire, as methane catches fire easyly, and piezoelectricity stored somewhere would give the spark to light it up, now if the dragon removes the flammable materials, and adds conductors or superconductors to its breath, and possibly make it more watergun-like, then you get electric breath, also, to the methane, an aerosol with some flammable liquid, and some corrosive/poisonous material may be present on the breath, light (even if not mentioned), would be magnessium added to the fire breath, wind would be simply a very strong vortex, so i'll count it as part of ice, and also, the preassure needed for the wind one are very high, and well... finally earth, this is the tricky bit, it would probably not have its own breath, but rather have pieces of stone spued out and so, depending on where and what the conditions are, that could all happen, and no large modifications needed, also, the queen would more likely be a "perfume" meaning, lots of different hormones, and so, the stronger her breath, the more powerfull the queen is, and it may not only work for dragons, but maybe other creatures, this would also make the dragons obey her will, whatever it is
sorry for misspelled words, spanish keyboard
edit: forgot to add water, water would be pressurized or have other elements and compounds for different reactions, explosive water, add an alkali metal, or chlorine trifluoride (also could be used for the fire dragon)
also as I stated, some differences are smaller and could coexist