Around 5 million years ago, a group of primates diverged from early Baboon ancestors migrated into Sicily becoming Triclopes (here's a rough mock up of what a Triclops skullTriclops skull might look like).:
some basic characteristics of these Triclopes include:
- being 7.7 feet tall and weighing 333 lbs
- having an average have a life span of 70-80 years (barring major injuries)
- having a slightly larger eye in the center of their face with two smaller eyes below it
- having elephant like tusks
- are omnivorous but do lean more toward the carnivorous side
- having an improved sense of hearing and smell
- are bipedal
- are slightly hairier than a human
- having lost their tails
- exist in small packs which they are fiercely loyal to
- having 0.5 in (12.7 mm) thick skin
- having tool use slightly below that of homo erectus
Given these characteristics, could such a creature realistically exist, and what evolutionary pressures would lead to them? Magic does not exist in my story.
I know this question was originally about cyclopes but after some reconsideration I've decided to change it. I hope it doesn't affect things to much.