Orgone is simply more effective when isolated... kind of a reverse critical mass.
The more orgone is around the more it reacts with other orgone in the area, and the less effective/powerful/pure/whatever/you/want/to/call/it it becomes. But an isolated drop is very stable/effective/efficient/etc.
So why don't they just draw off tiny drips all the time to make super efficient use of this limited resource? Because a given quantity of orgone is locked into it's state at the time it is separated from a living being. This reasoning by itself would also mean that the first N% of the orgone from a male would be considerably less effective than the first drop of orgone from a female, which probably isn't what you're going for.
So would a Drow hermaphrodite be ridiculously powerful, or a hopeless cripple?
Proposition: Both males and females have the same amount of orgone at birth. Because females can manipulate their own orgone from birth (even if they don't know how to accomplish much without the proper training), their own supply of orgone becomes less and less smooth/effcient/pure as they get older. Milk in a churn, where girls' emotions "churn the milk" until they learn either to separate their emotions from their orgone manipulation, or learn to control their emotions (to a Vulcan-esque degree) But a drow male's orgone is as a still pond from birth till death.
A consequence of this would be that their society would try to train girls at an early an age as possible to stop messing up their own orgone so they'd be as strong as they could possibly be (1/100th the power of a male instead of 1/1000th for example). A great deal of witch research might be spent on finding ways to help stabilize drow girls as early as possible to make them as powerful as possible later in life. Long term emotion suppression spells cast on drow girls at birth, and maintained until they can control themselves. Side effect: Crap emotional maturity.
And if you go the "emotion control" = "stop churning the butter", then rival drow witches would go out of their way to stir up emotions in one another... not necessarily anger, but that might be easiest.
Now you've got "emotionless" catty bitches being awful to each other until one of them LOSES THEIR SHIT!!!
Another consequence would be that if your evil witch[es] could get their claws on newborn girls, they'd be almost as powerful a resource as a male at any age. Evil witches are EVIL.