Faster-than-light technology
- Make your black hole as large as possible. The larger the black hole, the weaker the gravitational tidal forces.
- Discover a way to travel faster-than-light. (We're assuming it's possible here.)
- Place your weapon inside a vehicle that is capable of withstanding the tidal forces of your black hole, and that is also capable of faster-than-light travel.
- Place your vehicle in the black hole. While being stored in the black hole, the vehicle will have to be constantly traveling outward at light-speed (or possibly slightly faster than light-speed) to remain stationary and avoid hitting the singularity at the center and (presumably) being destroyed.
- When you want to retrieve the object, send a simple radio signal to the vehicle. The signal will have no problem entering the black hole. When the vehicle receives the signal, it will flip its FTL drive to maximum speed and travel out through the "event horizon" (which is no longer aptly named since FTL travel is possible).