Interplanetary Virtual Transport Tubes
Tubular Regions Of Space Reserved for TransportsFrom Mars Distance Interactive graph
Mars closest farthest Rough Average
Date Sep-Oct-20 Aug-Nov 21
AU 0.4 2.6 1.5
Acceleration at 10 m/s/s about 1.02 g
Velocity 250 Km/s 500 Km/s 750 Km/S
Time hours 67 125 144
Time days 2.8 3.5 6.0
Time hours 6:56 20:50 13:53
Energy Ratio 1 4 9
Venus min to max 0.6 to 1.6 Au (ignoring Sun avoidance)
Mercury min to max 0.4 to 1.4 Au (also ignoring eccentricity)
Jupiter 5 to 7 AU which would take at least 12 to 17
Tubular Regions Of Space Reserved for Transports
Divided by Velocity, Direction, Acceleration Requirements
Earth is ~500 cSecs (Distance Light travels per second) from Sun.
For Other Objects
Mercury Venus Mars Main Asteroid belt
200 360 750 1000 - 2000
Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune
2500 ~5200 ~10,000 14,000
Note that these, like most orbital distances can vary by at least 1 part in 16.
Tube types - divided primarily by cSec per hour speed. Restricted to licensed transports as collision energy per 1200 tonnes at 1 cSec/hour (~83 Km/sec) is 1 KiloTon equivalent.
Type FP1 FP3 FP9 10mC , 33mC 99mC
Velocity is in cSecs Per Hour - 1, 3, 9, 36 (~c/100), 108 (~c/33), 324 (~c/10)
Note Relative energy multiples 9, 81, 729 , 6561 , 58 869
Acceleration in 1-3g (people), 5g-15g Emergency Response Manned, 100g-10,000g -mass only
So to get to Mars at 1 cSec/hour (FP1) ranges from 250 closest to about 1500 hours when in opposition (including sun bypass). The time is about 11 to 66 days.
FP3 would reduce times to 4 - 22 days. That is probably the safe limit for the inner system. FP3 at 1g deceleration it takes 10 cSecs (3 million kilometers) to slow to a safe approach velocity.
FP9 and FP27 - are suitable for Asteroid, Jupiter, Saturn.
10mC 33mC outer exploration speeds, and 100mC for Generation class or Hibernation equipped interstellar.