Are there any free living or discontinued tools that can simulate climate or weather?
BYOE and Monash are only online web climate simulation tools. Some tools I tried:
ClimaSim is only free climate simulator as far as I know. But full of cons.
- Unregistered version is for free forever.
- I can edit continents.
- Temperature chart from any location or altitude.
- Unregistered version can't simulate terrestrial and solar settings. Only preset scenarios.
- Simulates only temperature.
- Blocks-like continents causing temperature inaccuracies.
WXSIM is only free weather simulator as far as I know. Best program from this list. Only without any cons.
- Small differences between unregistered and registered versions.
- You can see how weather was like in different climates.
- You can select any date, time and location.
So to summarize, I've found and tried 4 free tools to simulate climate. 2 online web tools. 2 free programs.
ClimaSim is notorious for its own cons. But only WXSIM doesn't have cons, because unregistered and registered WXSIM versions are nearly identical to each other. Note that free versions are called "unregistered", meaning less number of functions and features.
Edit 1 This question isn't duplicate to What computational resources would work for a 550-year climate forecast of our earth?, because my question isn't about weather forecasting, but about free online or offline tools for climate or weather simulation, not forecasting. Edit 2:The question aboutt 550 years- too much requirements. I just want to find any online or offline, but free tool.
Edit 3: I can't understand, how this question is still unanswered. Even last revision says:
Notice added Canonical answer required.