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Mar 19, 2019 at 23:34 comment added Bill K @Wildcard IIRC We were a space-traveling race who colonized earth and left. The plant died off after the fact and civilization fell, but then the "Nymph" stage was able to improve themselves and go beyond what a Nymph was thought to be capable of--and build our current civilization. The space-faring human race thought it impossible for the nymph stage to think beyond reproduction (the "adults" don't reproduce). Ringworld has a HUGE number of really interesting and novel concepts... probably more than any other sci-fi book I've ever read. I highly recommend it.
Mar 19, 2019 at 22:08 comment added Wildcard I don't get it. Were all the accomplishments made only before the plant went extinct? Or was the evolution caused by the plant permanent and hereditary? But then, how did the original species think we were stuck in the nymph stage?
Mar 19, 2019 at 22:02 history answered Bill K CC BY-SA 4.0