Just register everyone.
Make being registered the prerequisite for participation in parts of society.
Escalate the amount of data collected and the parts of society for participation in which registration is required. A possible order could be:
Start with name, place and date of birth, names of parents, place of residence. Make it mandatory for things like voting, running in elections, serving in the military, social security...
Add more data with specific purposes. Blood type, specific DNA sequences, etc. for getting health insurance.
Add more purposes, without adding data. Now you'll need to be registered to get a bank account. Or to get a scholarship. Or to get into university at all.
a. Add even more purposes. Employment, taxes, etc.
Include full DNA sequence into the dataset. Find an excuse, like curing cancer.
Make registration mandatory.
Optional: Exclude unregistered individuals from civil rights. Later: human rights.
a. Add even more purposes. Employment, taxes, etc.
Include full DNA sequence into the dataset. Find an excuse, like curing cancer.
Make registration mandatory.
Optional: Exclude unregistered individuals from civil rights. Later: human rights.