I'm not sure about the physics ... ask on 'what if' for that, but
IF your're in a plane, while the lighter Atmosphere is pulled towards the planet, you could survive
(prove required, maybe with a test series. Do you have a giant planet somewhere hidden in your garage you can borrow me?)
But watch out for the inhuman pressures if the air is sucked in the next planet and pressed on the surface there. And don't land quick if water is coming after you
Thats actually the simple-minded answer. And it's bad without end.
What you want to do is standing (flying in a plane ... you never know) on the other side of the earth. Then you get pulled down with the hole earth. AND thats the part I'm not sure of. Just make sure you have enough fuel to fly one time around the world and to stay another in the air. Actually the higher pressures of the atmosphere on the bigger planet makes it easíer to fly. If you have luck the other Planet is so cold you don't get the feeling from 65 million years ago.
Concluding I would say:
It's a montrous balancing act. If of all planes only one can survive I'd be surprised.
Either way, on the other planet the humanity is likely to die out, because of:
-Human Behavior
-did I mention the apocalypse yet?