The general answer is going to be some form of gig job
. These are short, temporary jobs that require the person (or team) to be on site.
Note: "temporary" could still be measured in earth years
These jobs are not permanent positions. However, the job requires a specialized skill that requires the person to be on site and the job can't come to them.
A few examples
- Auditors
- government auditors
- "new boss" checking out the factory
- Negotiators ( L.Dutch )
- Diplomats
- traders
- Diagnostic Engineers
- the specialist team sent to fix a slight misalignment of your Death Star cannon
- the team sent to investigate a spaceship crash
- doctors that specialize in outbreaks of space plague.
- Entertainers
- Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey would have all sorts of animals to show off.
- The curator for the traveling exhibit of "The Mummies of Zuban 5"
- Galactic Cup contenders (sports)
- Vacationers ( L.Dutch )
- Explorers ( L.Dutch )
- xeno-biologists
- Those that take advantage of poor enforcement of interstellar warrants
- space pirates ( my first answer )
- drug lords
- Those that enforce interstellar warrants
- Detective Billy Mack from the star system Texas
- Humanitarian
- red-cross/red crescent
- U.N. peace keepers
- not-so-humanitarian
- Blackwater Security Consulting
- really big game hunters (eg T-Rex hunters/Meg fishers)
- lifestyle choice (edit - added this one)
- nomads
- gypsies