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Soylent Green are people.

It's the new recycling.

On a more serious level, I'd suggest looking into what are now known as woodland burials. The body returns to the forest as nutrients. You could do the same in the biosphere pod.

One variation of the woodland burial involves freeze drying people in liquid nitrogen then breaking the frozen remains up into little chunks that are a lot more biodigestible.

Soylent Green are people.

It's the new recycling.

On a more serious level, I'd suggest looking into what are now known as woodland burials. The body returns to the forest as nutrients. You could do the same in the biosphere pod.

Soylent Green are people.

It's the new recycling.

On a more serious level, I'd suggest looking into what are now known as woodland burials. The body returns to the forest as nutrients. You could do the same in the biosphere pod.

One variation of the woodland burial involves freeze drying people in liquid nitrogen then breaking the frozen remains up into little chunks that are a lot more biodigestible.

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Soylent Green are people.

It's the new recycling.

On a more serious level, I'd suggest looking into what are now known as woodland burials. The body returns to the forest as nutrients. You could do the same in the biosphere pod.