What happens largely depends on the climate-conditions it is set in.
Most important question: How does this affect Rainfall.
You cut back the Mountain, which could result in less rain because of the missing elevation. If the cross section is to scale, you cut back about 2.5 miles of mountain, which is a lot. It will considerably lessen the rainfall and allow for faster winds on the leewards side. See how this works here
You also eliminated the trees, so the days will become hotter and water will evaporate faster. Trees reflect infra-red and protect the humid air below them from getting blown away. Some historic examples of islands suggest that deforestation can lead to a change in local climate to a more barren one. See Easter Islands for example
Sand heats up much faster in the daylight and cools of more quickly in the night. The turbulence by the hot air from the desert could result in some local thunderstorms. Similar to urban heat island effect
Then it depends how windy the whole region is, and if there is a main direction the wind is coming from.
Wandering dunes: Sand will probably get blown into the forest and could bury it all the way to the coast, in the main direction of the wind. See Rubjerg Knude
Depending on rainfall, the vegetation will creep into the desert, or the desert will expand.
Lakes and streams will appear in the desert, providing some early oasis, if there is still sufficient rain.
Also 1 Year is not a long time, you´d probably only have some strange weather and some new rivers. I tried to imagine 5 years with a dominant east wind: