There are three cyberpunk corporations. All of them engage in immoral criminal activities to raise funds, and they don't really have a choice...profit margins are tight, and we have to stay afloat in a declining economy. I run one of these cyberpunk corporations, and I'm fighting a long and bloody war against the other cyberpunk corporations for market share. That war is expensive, further driving me into crime to sustain the beast. It's an endless spiral of despair and chaos.
Obviously the government hates my criminal activities. Our feuds with the other corporations tend to lead to collateral damage and bring down property values. I already tried bribing governmental officials, and it worked...for a time. But after yet another terror bombing that killed innocent civilians, the government had given up accepting my bribes. Which was fair...we couldn't afford the bribes anyway.
The government have instead established a Police Agency dedicated to "fighting crime" (i.e, attacking all three cyberpunk corporations). This four-way war is bleeding our finances dry. We have killed some of their police officers. They have killed some of our corporate executives.
To keep our corporation alive, our accountants have requested that we try to get a government bailout. I can't let this corporation go bankrupt...I have worked here all my life, I support its ideological beliefs, and the perks are nice. But I can't stop killing police officers. I can't stop committing crimes. I can't negotiate away the corporation's "evilness", because doing so would take away valuable income that will keep the corporation afloat. But I am still willing to talk with the government, and work with them (at least temporarily). All I just need is money, money to survive the next day.
So how do I convince the government to give me a bailout?